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Off-Leash Dog Park in Lacey Now OPEN!

Lacey has a new off-leash dog park, located at the Waste and Recovery Center (2418 Hogum Bay Road NE).

Cassie & Annie

Dogs can use 5 acres for socializing, digging, and just running around. There’s a special area for shy & small dogs, so they won’t get toppled over by more assertive, social dogs. Water . . . → Read More: Off-Leash Dog Park in Lacey Now OPEN!


“Playtime for Cats” by Dbaly and Sigl (book review)

I borrowed a neato book from the library not too long ago called Playtime for cats : activities and games for felines by Helena Dbaly (a cat breeder) and Stefanie Sigl (a “cat and dog psychologist”).

Take a look at this book if you would like ideas about how to encourage your cat to play . . . → Read More: “Playtime for Cats” by Dbaly and Sigl (book review)


Kibble Predators On The Indoor Prairie

This fun tip can help animals lose weight without changing their diet, give them more exercise even when you’re not around, and help when one animal dominates the food.

Hunting kibble is hard work! (Saffron rests after kibble hunting.)

One of the little extras I do for my cats (and some clients’ animals) is . . . → Read More: Kibble Predators On The Indoor Prairie


You Just Might Get What You Play For (Home-Made Cat Toys)

You’ve probably discovered how much fun a cat can have with a paper bag to hide in (or for you to hide toys in). Lots of additional items that most of us have around the house make excellent cat toys.

Cats are pretty good about entertaining themselves and making toys out of objects that we . . . → Read More: You Just Might Get What You Play For (Home-Made Cat Toys)


Play It Forward (Cats Play And Prey Preference)

Getting plenty of physical activity is important for cats, especially those who live indoors. Cats are adapted for certain kinds of play, so becoming familiar with the things that stimulate your cat to play will lead to you having more fun and forming a closer bond.

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Cats require physical exercise and play to . . . → Read More: Play It Forward (Cats Play And Prey Preference)
